TourCMS, a leading online booking and channel management solution is operated by Palisis.

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Types and Taxonomies

The TourCMS plugin registers one Custom Type (tours) and two Custom Taxonomies (product-type, location).

"Tours" Custom Type

The Tours Custom Type is defined so as to allow for separation from blog posts and pages within WordPress, both for listing and presentation purposes.

When creating a Tour/Hotel in WordPress the user links it to a Tour in their TourCMS, each time the Tour/Hotel is saved the plugin pulls back lots of the standard structured data from TourCMS and stores it as Meta data in WordPress which is also made available to the user as Shortcodes.

The TourCMS Twenty Ten child theme includes a loop-tours.php snippet which presents Tours in a logical manner, plus a single-tour.php including booking engine integration and a Google Maps widget for the actual Tour pages.

"Product Type" Taxonomy

The "Product Type" taxonomy is primarily designed to aid listing of various different product types separately, for example using the WordPress Menu it would be possible to quickly set up say "Cycling Tours", "Hiking Tours" or "All Tours" menu items & pages.

"Location" Taxonomy

This is mainly useful if you wish to sort/filter by location in your WordPress Design, thus it can be ignored if not required.

Additional Information

For a more detailed look at how these are structured dive into the declarations at the top of tourcms-plugin.php. Some knowledge of how WordPress works will be required.