home > support > API > Marketplace API > managing dates & prices externally > delete departure
Delete a departure from a Tour
Part of a series of API calls intended largely for managing dates and prices outside of TourCMS
For Tour Operator usage only (not accessible by Marketplace Agents).
Endpoint | /c/tour/datesprices/dep/manage/delete |
Formats | XML |
Example | /c/tour/datesprices/dep/manage/delete.xml?id=1&departure_id=3191 |
Verb | POST |
PHP examples use the PHP Client Library with SimpleXML
object delete_departure ( int $departure, int $tour, int $channel )
// Set our Channel ID
$channel = 3930;
// Set the ID for the Tour that this departure belongs to
$tour_id = 1;
// Set the ID for the departure to delete
$departure_id = 3191;
// Query the TourCMS API, deleting the departure
$result = $tourcms->delete_departure($departure_id, $tour_id , $channel);
if($result->error == "OK") {
print "Departure deleted";
} else {
print $result->error;
Departure deleted
C# examples use the .Net Client Library
Coming soon
VB examples use the .Net Client Library
Coming soon
Parameter | Notes |
id | Tour ID |
departure_id | ID of departure to be deleted |
The Channel ID is also passed via the request header.
XML Node | Notes |
request | Confirmation of the request that you sent |
error | Any error message returned, if there is no error this will just contain the text OK. | tour |
A tour node containing the following: