home > support > API > Marketplace API > managing dates & prices externally > API incoming API - advanced configuration
The TourCMS incoming API system enables a TourCMS to check availability / pricing with a 3rd party reservation system
If you need to discriminate your answer between distribution partners (e.g. giving differing pricing / availability) and where this knowledge is held in your 3rd party reservation system then there are two approaches:
On each each travel agent record (in travel agent manager) is a field (textarea) that can contain a value (or multiple values - e.g. in a JSON snippet). Set this value to be what you wish. E.g. you could use it for holding an accounting reference for your 3rd party reservation system, you could hold your 3rd party reservation system API credentials such as username and password
This value will be sent to the Check Availability webhook and the Show Booking API method. i.e. whenever TourCMS is connecting to your 3rd party reservation system via code, we can tell the intermediate code the value and this can be used by your code in ways useful to you
A default value can be set in Configuration & Setup - Travel agent general settings
Retail travel agents - do not set on a travel agent by travel agent basis - but use the default. i.e. all retail travel agents use the same value
Large online retailer - set a value (such as a JSON snippet containing API credentials for that specific retailer) on a per TourCMS travel agent perspective